Mythopoeic Discussion Group Charter

The current Mythopoeic Society group charter can be found here. An older version is below:




To ______________________________________________, greetings and felicitations.

Section 1.

The Mythopoeic Society is “a literary and educational organization, devoted to the study, discussion, and enjoyment of myth, fantasy, and imaginative literature, and especially the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams. The Society [is] based on the idea that these authors provide both an excellent introduction to and a fundamental understanding of this entire genre of literature.” (Bylaws, as revised, 1974).

We hereby extend to our recognition as an associate group of The Mythopoeic Society. The rights and privileges conveyed by this status are:

1.) The entitlement to announce and to report upon meetings and other activities in Mythprint or other appropriate publications of The Mythopoeic Society;

2.) The entitlement to actively herald the group’s presence at the annual Mythopoeic Conference, and there to seek new members for the group;

3.) The entitlement to proclaim the group as an associate of The Mythopoeic Society in the group’s own publications and announcements, in accordance with the non-profit status of The Mythopoeic Society;

4.) The promise of the Council of Stewards that like-minded inquirers in the group’s area will be referred by the proper office of The Mythopoeic Society; and

5.) The promise of the council of Stewards that notice and advertisement of Mythopoeic Society activities will be posted to the group as they occur.

Nothing herein denotes the members of the group as members therefore of The Mythopoeic Society, nor does the group so recognized have a role in the Society’s governance. However, group members are welcome and encouraged to join The Mythopoeic Society as individuals and to participate in the governance thereof.


To The Mythopoeic Society:

We hereby give notice that we have read Section I and understand it. We have met at least once a month for the last three months, and our activities are in agreement with the purposes of The Mythopoeic Society. We therefore claim this charter and the rights it enumerates.

We, the undersigned, are active participants of ________________________________

and on behalf of our group, acknowledge that it consists of at least the four of us.

Date:_____________________________________ Place:__________________________________








We have noted your signatures and hereby acknowledge your group as chartered by The Mythopoeic Society for the period of two years commencing from the date below. No alteration shall be made in the terms of this charter without mutual prior consent.

For the Council of Stewards,


Secretary for Discussion Groups
